座卓 Low Table   #1407





長さ1500mmの座卓です。仲間や親戚が集まった時に囲めるように、標準よりやや大きめです。両側に有効深さ40mm の引出しを2杯ずつ天板裏側に取り付けています。今回オーナー様のご要望で、初めてブラックウォルナットという外材も使いました。

A 1500mm long low table with the partially-left natural edge. It's a bit larger table than usual one for friends and relatives to get together. Beneath the top you'll find two drawers on each side, and the active depth of each drawer is 40 mm. I used imported Black Walnut for this table as the owner's request. This is my first trial to use the material that hasn't produced in Hokkaido.